Monday, September 6, 2010


Srinagar: PPP Chairman Engineer Hilal Ahmed War has questioned Hurriyat (M) Chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq’s hollow unity initiative terming it as mere political stunt. War said that Kashmiris who are laying down their lives for the attainment of right to self-determination cannot be fooled by such gimmicks. “More than sixty youths have been martyred by police and paramilitary for raising their voice against Indian occupation and nobody would be allowed to play with their blood,” said War adding “I think Mirwaiz hasn’t done enough homework or else it is some foreign idea which Mirwaiz wants to experiment.” War said that unity shouldn’t be restricted to three people offering Eid namaaz. “Such trinity shows can’t be used to hoodwink the masses. These are mere photo-ops and the pro-freedom leadership needs to be more practical,” said War. “It is beyond me why Mirwaiz called All Parties Meeting at Mirwaiz Manzil Rajouri Kadal in the month of June if his definition of unity is bringing just two more people in confidence. Confining the effort to three people and barring other pro-freedom parties and genuine resistance forces is highly questionsable,” said War. He said that the resistance movement has reached the decisive phase and the Kashmiri youths are doing a commendable job by taking it out from mosques and shrines by reaching out to the world through all possible means. “From internet resistance to street resistance, Kashmiri youths have given a fresh lease of life to the movement spilling their blood for the attainment of the right to self-determination,” said Er Hilal War. He said Mirwaiz needs to refrain from such futile, childish exercises and try to understand the dynamics of Kashmir issue.

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