Thursday, July 29, 2010

India has conveyed concern on PoK projects to China: Krishna

New Delhi, Jul 29 (KMW): India has clearly conveyed to China its consistent position that Pakistan was in illegal occupation of parts of Jammu and Kashmir since 1947 following reports that China was building a rail line and highway in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and asked them cease their activities in the PoK, the Rajya Sabha was informed today.
External Affairs Minister S M Krishna said in a written reply that India had conveyed its concern about Chinese activities in the PoK and asked it to cease such activities.
China was regarding Kashmir as a bilateral matter to be settled between India and Pakistan, Mr Krishna said while answering the questions of Mr Ravishankar Prasad, Shivanand Tiwari and N K Singh.
He said the government had seen reports to the effect that China was seeking to build a railway line and highway projects in PoK and had taken up the issue with them.
The government would keep a constant vigil on all developments having a bearing on India's national interest and take all necessary measures to safeguard it.
Answering a related question, the External Affairs Minister said India had taken up the reports of the Chinese building a dam on the upper reaches of Tsangpo/Brahmaputra, known as Tsangpo in Tibet, with China during his visit to that country in April.
China's Foreign Minister had conveyed that his country always had shown a responsible attitude towards Trans-border Rivers. He had also clarified that the planned construction at Zangmu was that of a small power project and would not store water or regulate the volume of water. It, therefore, would not have an adverse impact on downstream flows, he added.
Mr Krishna said the two countries had established an expert-level mechanism to discuss cooperation on all issues regarding trans-border rivers and it had held four meetings between September 2007 and April 2010.
India and China have also signed a memorandum on providing hydrological information on Yarlung Zangbo/Brahmaputra river in flood season in 2002 and the MoU was renewed in 2008.

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