Sunday, August 22, 2010

Prayers for Kashmir: A 100- Hour Candle Light Vigil Held in front of the White House

Washington, August 21, 2010. Hundreds of Kashmiri Americans spent hours at the Freedom Plaza under the ‘TENT’ before they marched to the White House for “Prayers for Peace: A 100-Hour Vigil" reminding the world powers that “Quit Kashmir”, is the message that the people of Kashmir say loudly to Indian tro100 Hr Vigilops.

The march was led by the Kashmiri American youngsters, included Mujtaba Wani, Sanaa Naqash & Ehtisham Kayani.

The participants included people of all ages, representing both sides of the Cease-fire Line and those who would like to see peace and prosperity in the region of South Asia.

The participants wanted to send a message to the world powers that the people of Kashmir still continue to hope in the United Nations.

They see it working and they see it enforcing Security Council resolutions.

The people of Kashmir believe that the time has come that United Nations or the Obama Administration let India know that talks between India and Pakistan must be accompanied by practical measures to restore an environment of non-violence in Kashmir, free from state terrorism.

Attorney Mumtaz Wani said that the human rights violations in Kashmir are deliberate and officially sanctioned.

Mr. Wani reiterated that the killings of youngsters and youth signify only one thing and that authorities would like to force the whole population into submission.

The people of Kashmir believe that their cause is genuine which has the international sanctity, added Mr. Wani.
India and Pakistan have agreed to the United Nations security council resolutions and Kashmiri people simply want that the future of their land to be determined in accordance with the wishes and will of the people.

D100 Hr Vigilr.

Ghulam Nabi Fai, Executive Director, Kashmiri American Council said that Kashmir was unmistakably given the pledge by the United Nations that she will be allowed to decide her own future. Now, bleeding and betrayed, she asks for the pledge to be redeemed.

Fai said that the people of Kashmir expect President Obama to seize the reality of the Kashmir issue as the question of a people’s life and destiny.

Let not the America’s strategic partnership with India validate India’s war crimes in Kashmir.

Fai emphasized that Kashmir situation has been met with studied unconcern by the United Nations. 

This has given a sense of total impunity to India.

It has also created an impression that the United Nations is invidiously selective about the application of the principles of human rights and democracy.

Mr. Zubair Khan thanked the participants for spending long hours during the candle light vigil to express solidarity with their brethren in Occupied Kashmir.

Others who participated included Liaqat Kayani, Sardar Zahoor, Sardar Zareef, Hamid Malik, Haji Mansha, Haji Asghar Sardar Zulfikhar.

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